People don’t have weight problems or nutrition & fitness problems.
People have personal problems — habits, mindset, beliefs, identities & fears that reflect on their weight, bodies, relationships, eating behaviours, exercise regimes, inconsistency and their life in general.
Unfortunately these can not be resolved with dieting and exercise.
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All about Habits, Mindset & Lifestyle
Lessons from walking every day for 12 months and how you can do it too
When people set a goal to lose weight it’s very common for them to vow to exercise every day to create a calorie deficit. One of the easiest and cheapest ways to exercise is walking which is why people turn to walking for weight loss. While there is nothing wrong
Lessons from walking every day for 12 months and how you can do it too
When people set a goal to lose weight it’s very common for them to vow to exercise every day to create a calorie deficit. One of the easiest and cheapest ways to exercise is walking which is why people turn to walking for weight loss. While there is nothing wrong
All about mindset and psychology
Transformation/ Weight loss is never about food and exercise. It’s about our habits, mindset, beliefs, identities, fears and the psychology behind the obstacles that hold us back. From dealing with perfectionism, procrastination, impostor syndrome to needing to feel in control, we show you how you can change your mindset to one that will support long-term weight loss.
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Lessons from walking every day for 12 months and how you can do it too
When people set a goal to lose weight it’s very common for them to vow to exercise every day to create a calorie deficit. One of the easiest and cheapest ways to exercise is walking which is why people turn to walking for weight loss. While there is nothing wrong
Lessons from walking every day for 12 months and how you can do it too
When people set a goal to lose weight it’s very common for them to vow to exercise every day to create a calorie deficit. One of the easiest and cheapest ways to exercise is walking which is why people turn to walking for weight loss. While there is nothing wrong