We see you.
We know who you are.
You’re the person who has struggled with your weight your entire life.
You’re the one who has always felt the need to hide away because you’re ashamed of how you look.
We know you think you’re not enough. We know you feel inferior, inadequate and don’t believe in yourself.
We see you.
We know that you’re desperately unhappy. That your ultimate wish is to be a healthy weight and never have to worry about being overweight again.
But you don’t believe you’ll ever get there. Instead, you believe you’re destined to continue to struggle with your weight until the day you die.
We know that you’d love to wear different clothes to what you currently wear. But your prime concern is to find something that fits and covers you up. So you forgo fashion for practicality.
We see you chronic dieter, and we know the pain you’re in.
You constantly compare yourself to other people, and find yourself falling short.
You believe that you’ll never be happy unless you can lose the weight.
In fact, you think that the key to being happy is to lose weight.
Then you’ll feel worthy. Then you’ll feel attractive. Then you’ll be enough.
But chronic dieter, you’re already enough.
We see you and we know how you think.
We see the constant battle you wage with your body. We see you struggling to love yourself. We see you, even though you avoid photos, or make sure you’re always standing at the back, hidden by other people.
We see you struggling to stick to your diet — the latest one in a string of diets that you’ve tried.
We see you restricting your food, depriving yourself of the pleasure of eating in the hope that this one will work, and you’ll finally be a thinner version of yourself.
We see the torment in your mind when you eat cake or chocolate, or simply don’t follow your meal plan perfectly. We see the stress this places on you and how it makes it harder for you to lose weight.
We see you beating yourself up for not being able to stick to unrealistic diets, meal plans and detoxes. We know you think you’re weak, don’t have enough willpower, or hopeless for always falling off the wagon.
We know that you’re constantly searching for the next quick-fix. The program or product that will have all the answers. The ONE that will help you lose weight for good.
We see you holding back, waiting until you’ve lost weight to try new things, get a new job, or simply be happy.
We know you seek validation from other people because you don’t like who you are. That you’re desperately afraid that no one else will like you either. So you hide, or pretend you’re someone you’re not, just so you feel accepted.
But we see. We see the pain and fear you live with every day of your life.
We see you chronic dieter and we’re ready to help.
We’re ready to help you ditch the diets so you can fall in love with food again.
We’re ready to help you fall in love with yourself, regardless of your dress size or what the scales may say.
We’re ready to show you how worthy you are, and why you don’t have to hide away any more.
We see you chronic dieter, and we have the answers you’ve been looking for.
We can help you lose weight without dieting, without beating yourself up, and without flogging yourself with exercise.
We can show you how to live a normal life, and make healthy eating a normal part of it.
We can help you overcome the guilt you feel when you eat your favourite foods.
We can show you how you can enjoy food — whatever it is — and still feel in control of your life and your weight.
We can help you get off the diet rollercoaster once and for all.
We can free you of the diet mindset that is holding you a prisoner in your own life.
We see you chronic dieter and we ask you to give us a chance.
Give us a chance to show you how different your life can be.
Give us a chance to help you overcome your eating disorders and your poor relationship with food.
Give us a chance to help you achieve the healthy weight you’ve always dreamed of, but never thought possible.
But it is possible. If you just give it a chance.
Will you give yourself this chance?
We’re ready and waiting to welcome you with nothing but love and compassion, because you are worthy of so much more than you believe.
Please…give yourself a chance.
We can help.
Love Mel and Ronnie