We strongly believe that true transformation goes beyond the superficial (diet and exercise).

Let’s face it —  Focusing solely on food and fitness without addressing the underlying habits and mindset that led us here is like repeatedly inflating a flat tire without fixing the puncture. It’s a waste of time.

We don’t have weight or health issues. We have personal problems (habits, mindset, beliefs, identities and fears) that reflect on our weight, health, relationships, quality of life, happiness and our lives in general.

Our weight or health issues stem from our habits, mindset, beliefs, identities and fears and are a reflection of them.

Unfortunately, these issues cannot be resolved superficially through dieting and exercise. In fact, this approach explains why almost all diet plans, weight loss programs, and conventional health and fitness regimes fail, no matter how hard we work.

We cannot achieve long-term transformation with the same habits and mindset that led us to this unhappy place. Nothing changes if nothing changes.

This is why we offer something very different:

Discover The Diet Antidote Transformation System®️.

A comprehensive transformation system designed to deliver maximum results in minimum time and effort, regardless of your goals, needs, starting point, or abilities.

It provides proven tools, strategies, resources, and a structured framework to meet you where you are, improve self-awareness beyond the superficial, bridge the gap between knowing and doing, improve consistency, remove guesswork, confusion, and all limiting factors, and provide everything you need (Knowledge, skills, structure, guidance, accountability, support, and a conducive environment) to lose the weight for good, get in the best shape of your life, and achieve the confidence and lifestyle you desire. Reclaim your health, happiness, freedom, vitality, and quality of life.

Yes, we are different and we guarantee long-term results. Here’s why:

Fad diets, guesswork, and an all-or-nothing one-size-fits-all cookie cutter approach, along with almost all other conventional fitness weight loss programs, do not work due to two main reasons.

Firstly, they focus solely on solving superficial problems like fitness and nutrition without addressing the underlying issues.

Our eating behaviours, adherence to nutrition, consistency with exercise, sleep, stress, and lifestyle factors are a reflection of our habits, mindset, beliefs, identities, and fears. To truly transform our body, mind, and lifestyle, it is essential to address these underlying factors.

Secondly, lack of systems which leads to guesswork.

Having a well-defined process is crucial for accuracy and efficiency, preventing unreliable assumptions and personal biases. By implementing a systematic approach, we can minimise errors, make informed choices, achieve better outcomes, and avoid unnecessary risks and mistakes that hinder results.

When we lack an implementation system, we tend to mix and match different fad diets, become inconsistent, engage in guesswork, and adopt an all-or-nothing one-size-fits-all cookie-cutter approach, which ultimately leads to being overwhelmed, stressed, burnt out, and eventually giving up because it is not sustainable.

Even the best strategy is useless without an implementation system. Think about it; you already know a fair bit about what to do to get in shape. There’s no shortage of information on the internet. You just lack a system to consistently implement the basics, which is essential for achieving long-term results.

This is why we offer something very different.

Unlike quick-fix fad diets, 6-12 week challenges, all-or-nothing workouts, and other mainstream weight loss program and solutions, we not only curate a personalised strategy, but we also provide an implementation system that guarantees maximum results in minimum time and effort, regardless of your goals, needs, starting point, or abilities.

Discover The Diet Antidote Transformation System®️

A comprehensive transformation implementation system designed to deliver maximum results in minimum time and effort, regardless of your goals, needs, starting point, or abilities. It provides proven tools, strategies, resources, and a structured framework to meet you where you are, improve self-awareness beyond the superficial, bridge the gap between knowing and doing, improve consistency, remove guesswork, confusion, and all limiting factors, and provide everything you need (Knowledge, skills, structure, guidance, accountability, support, and a conducive environment) to lose the weight for good, get in the best shape of your life, and achieve the confidence and lifestyle you desire. Reclaim your health, happiness, freedom, vitality, and quality of life.

Forget fad diets, guesswork, and an all-or-nothing, one-size-fits-all cookie-cutter approach. Instead, focus on simple, scientifically proven habits, mindset, and holistic weight loss strategies that seamlessly fit into your life. Led by highly experienced world-class specialists who genuinely care, in a fun, safe, supportive, and inclusive face-to-face or online environment.

Also, unlike quick-fix fad diets, 6-12 week challenges, all-or-nothing workouts, and other mainstream weight loss programs and solutions, our world-class DATS program® is more like couture, not “off the rack.” It is built around you, your needs, and goals, and is more than just fitness and nutrition. It was designed specifically for people who have had a lifelong struggle with weight loss and want more than just a good body.

Our program is evergreen, which means that our approach will stand the test of time, even on your worst days. This is not another fad diet trend. We empower you get in the best shape of your life for good.

We do health and fitness in a way that fits your life instead of the other way around.

We know: Life can get hectic.

Work, relationships, children, aging parents, running a household, and all the curveballs life can throw at us. It never stops being complicated or busy.

That’s why we do something very different.

Unlike diet plans our program is designed to fit into your life instead of fitting the program into your already busy and hectic life and having it take over your life.

We show you how to make health and fitness a part of your life, no matter what else is going on.

We strongly believe that a good program should be designed for your absolute worst day, not just your best days.

You know the days when your energy levels are low, nothing goes your way, your partner (or children) aren’t pleased when you get home, and you have a million other things to do than spend hours working out and cooking organic meals.

Instead of advising you to rely on willpower and push it through like other weight loss plans, we work closely with you to help you not only eat well and exercise but also to prioritise yourself no matter what’s going on in your life.

We help you define your goals and then create the most effective training and nutrition plan to achieve those results.

We give you everything necessary for your success, including a team of top-notch specialist coaches and trainers, a state-of-the-art facility if you are a face-to-face member, a fun, safe, and supportive community, innovative technology, and accountability systems.

But you get more than a brand new, exclusive, members-only private boutique fitness studio, a fun, safe, and supportive community, a highly experienced personal coach/trainer, a top-notch program that works and unlimited personalised coaching and training.

You get an entire members-only exclusive Diet Antidote Transformation System® (a collection of proven and tested tools, strategies, resources, and structured framework that guarantee long-term results.) because goals are ineffective without a system.

We do not rise to the level of our goals; we fall to the level of our systems. And a whole team of world class experts deeply invested in your success, supporting you on every step of your journey to ensure you achieve the results you desire.

Instead of guessing or prescribing a “one-size-fits-all” cookie-cutter program, short-term diets, meal plans, or “food rules” like quick-fix fad diet plans and other weight loss programs, we conduct a habit and lifestyle audit and implement a personalised data-driven strategy.

We utilise the exclusive members-only Diet Antidote Transformation System® tool and ask thought-provoking questions to uncover blind spots, improve self-awareness, and identify the true underlying obstacles beyond just diet and exercise.

We examine over 100 data points, including your habits, mindset, beliefs, identities, fears, lifestyle (stress, sleep, alcohol), health status, fitness, exercise history, injuries, nutrition, dietary preferences, and more.

This provides us with a comprehensive understanding of your habits, mindset, and lifestyle, allowing us to create a data-driven customised plan that will effectively work for you, even on your worst days.

Alongside our guidance, support, and accountability, as well as our exclusive members-only Diet Antidote Transformation System®, we implement your personalised plan in a structured, progressive, and sustainable manner that optimises maximum results in minimal time.

This is your limited opportunity to work  face-to-face with the best coaching team in the industry to get in the best shape of your life, become your healthiest, strongest, fittest self, and learn how to stay that way for good.

All you need to do is take the next step.

Unparalleled Full Exclusivity: At Imani, we offer an unprecedented level of exclusivity, unlike any public commercial gym or conventional fitness centres out there.

There is no need to book in. You can choose from the available times on our timetable and lock into the same classes. You will have the same days and times every week for the full 12 months. You don’t need to worry about missing out because your time-slots will remain the same, allowing you to pre-plan your week in advance, just like you do with work, without any concerns about missing out.

Picture this: you walk into our studio and your entire training space is yours to conquer. No more jostling for machines or feeling self-conscious amidst big crowd of strangers. With us, you enjoy complete privacy and full control over your workout environment in small Personal Training groups setting (4 X 1:1).

This enables us to offer an affordable world-class personal training experience: unlimited weekly personal training at the cost of one PT session, plus 24/7 boutique studio access since the investment is cost-shared between members.

All programs are individually designed, varied and modified based on your specific goals, needs and abilities.

Each session has dedicated personal trainers and coaches to guide, inspire and push you to get the results you desire.

Say goodbye to the frustration of waiting for your turn, scrambling for equipment, compromising on your routine due to overcrowding, one-size-fits-all cookie-cutter fitness programs, hefty hourly rates for PT sessions, feeling like just another number, unnecessary cardio, lack of structure and systems, short-term results, inconsistency, guesswork, planning your own workouts, wasting time and money, counting calories, food rules, restrictions, feeling guilty, unstructured exercise, complicated all-or-nothing training regimes, and 6/12-week challenges that only lead to injuries and inconsistency.

We prioritise your comfort, convenience, and results by ensuring that you always have your own studio space, all the equipment you need, and a dedicated personal trainer during all your training sessions. This means you can focus solely on achieving your fitness goals without any distractions.

We understand that our life-changing premium program IS NOT for everyone, unlike quick-fix fad diet plans, 6-12 week challenges, all-or-nothing one-size-fits-all cookie-cutter approach group cardio workouts and other weight loss programs that prioritise sales numbers over actual results.

We may not be a good fit if you are NOT READY to invest in a premium, affordable 12-month holistic program that guarantees long-term results – lose the weight for good, achieve the body, confidence, and lifestyle you desire, and reclaim your health, happiness, freedom, vitality, and quality of life once and for all.

We may not be the cheapest, but we offer the best value and guarantee long-term results, making us the most affordable option in the long run.

Remember, cheap diet plans and an all-or-nothing cookie-cutter approach are nothing but a false economy, meaning they may appear to be more enticing but are guaranteed to fail, leaving you worse off and ultimately costing you more than just money in the long run.

Alternatively, our program is right for you if you are sick and tired of not living life to your full potential due to a lack of confidence and self-worth and don’t want to waste any more time and money on cheap 6-12 week fads that are guaranteed to fail, leaving you worse off and ultimately costing you more than just money in the long run.

Rest assured, we do not engage in sales or pressure people who are not ready to transform their bodies and lives into joining our program. Instead, we offer a 7-day free trial opportunity with no obligations to provide you with an insight into the Imani difference and allow you to assess whether our program is suitable for you, as we can only deliver the best results if we are a good fit.

Over the last two decades, we’ve witnessed countless fad diets and fitness trends come and go. None of them worked yet they all left people feeling worse off.

In our quest to find answers to why all the conventional weight loss solutions didn’t work, at least for the long term, we discovered that they all had one thing in common.

They all focused on addressing the WHAT (The weight problem — Food & Exercise) instead of the WHY (The obstacles that lead to weight gain & hold us  back from losing the weight for good & getting the body, confidence & lifestyle we desire & deserve).

People don’t have weight problems or nutrition & fitness problems.

People have personal problems — habits, mindset, beliefs, identities & fears that reflect on their weight, bodies, relationships, eating behaviours, exercise regimes, inconsistency and their life in general.

Unfortunately these can not be resolved with dieting and exercise.

Out of our desire to bridge this gap and provide real long-term solutions, The Imani Transformations®️ and The Diet Antidote Transformation System®️ (DATS Personal Coaching Program®️) were born.

With a mission to disrupt the diet culture, redefine the weight loss paradigm and empower people to reclaim their freedom, vitality and quality of life, crowned with a vision to free the world from the diet culture.


Unlike 6-12 week quick fix diet plans and weight loss programs, 12 months allows room for the inevitable ebbs and flows that life throws your way.

It also gives you the space to transform your mindset, and embed and consolidate new long-lasting habits and mindset without the stress, overwhelm and pressure that comes with rushing the process or having a timeline, which often just leads to weight loss self-sabotage.

Unlike one size fits all diet plans and other weight loss programs, our bespoke program is more like couture not “off the rack”, your investment will therefore be subjective to your individualised needs and relevant offers at the time of signing up.

We may not be the cheapest, but we offer the best value and guarantee long-term results, making us the most affordable option in the long run.

Remember, cheap diet plans and an all-or-nothing cookie-cutter approach are nothing but a false economy, meaning they may appear to be more enticing but are guaranteed to fail, leaving you worse off and ultimately costing you more than just money in the long run.

Please complete your application and schedule a consultation with one of our specialists to discuss your specific needs and obtain more detailed information that is relevant to you, your needs, and your goals.

Coaching and personal training are two different things.

Personal training involves designing and implementing exercise and fitness programs to help individuals safely reach their personal health and fitness goals.

However, transformation and holistic weight loss involve more than just exercise or nutrition.

Long-term weight loss is only possible when we address the habits, identities, mindset, beliefs, and fears that led to becoming overweight in the first place. That’s where coaching comes in.

Coaching is profoundly different from personal training. It involves:

– Collecting data (asking questions) to identify the obstacles (habits) that have prevented individuals from achieving the desired body, confidence, and lifestyle.

– Working together to develop a personalised strategy to overcome these obstacles.

– Implementing this strategy using our exclusive DATS®️ Accountability Tool, which allows us to collect more data and reveal any blind spots that need addressing.

– We then adjust the plan and repeat the process.

Coaching addresses the habits, identities, mindsets, beliefs, and fears that have been holding individuals back, so they can finally lose weight and achieve the desired body, confidence, and lifestyle they deserve and desire.

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Transform Your Life, Not Just Your Body, From Anywhere In The World!

Online or face-to-face, we guarantee maximum results in minimum time, with minimum effort, regardless of your goals, needs, starting point, or abilities, as long as you stick with us for 12 months.

Limited spots on a first-come, first-served basis​

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Lose the weight for good, get the Body, Confidence & Lifestyle you desire with our DATS™ program - The Not-Diet-Diet for people who want more than a good body.

No restrictive diets, no food rules, no crazy all-or-nothing workout regimes, no counting or measuring food.

Just simple habit and mindset change strategy that work.



Limited spots on first-come, first-served basis.