We see you.
We know who you are.
You’re the person whose life has changed, now that your kids have all moved out of home.
You’re the one who is struggling to fill your days, because you no longer have kids to look after.
You’re also the one who’s feeling a little old, a little lonely and a little lost.
We see you empty nester. We know who you are.
We know that for the past few decades, you’ve given everything for your children.
You’ve spent your time working to provide for them, cooking to feed them and driving them to school, sports and parties.
But they no longer need you now, because they’re all grown up.
You’re the one who put your life on hold, so they could live theirs. You encouraged their dreams and their goals. You patched their knees when they fell over, and probably taught them how to tie their shoelaces. You may have even helped mend a broken heart or two along the way.
But your kids are now grown. Moved on. Moved out. And you’re left wondering where did all the years go.
We see you empty nester. We see that you’re sad.
We also see that you’re overwhelmed because you no longer know who you are.
You spent so many years giving to your family, that you had no time for yourself.
You put your dreams on hold, so your kids could chase theirs. And now you’re left feeling that it’s far too late for you.
While you were busy raising your kids, and making sure they were growing up healthy, you forgot about yourself.
You forgot to make time for exercise, and healthy eating. And now you’re carrying a bit too much weight, and feeling aches and pains that never used to be there.
We see you, and know that you’re worrying about your health. We know that you don’t want to spend your retirement visiting doctors and taking pills.
But you suspect it might be a little bit late to do much about it now.
We see you empty nester and we’re ready to help.
We’re ready to show you that life isn’t over just yet. That there is plenty of time to have a wonderful life full of meaning and purpose. That you’re not just defined by your role as a parent.
We’re ready to help you get your health back. To show you that aches and pains don’t have to feature in your life as you get older, and nor do doctor’s visits and medications.
We’re here to show you how you can be fit and healthy and turn back the clock. We can show you how to look and feel younger than your years.
And we’re here to show you that it’s never too late to polish off your dreams and have the life you’ve always wanted to have.
All you need is a little faith, because it’s now finally time for you.
Won’t you let us help you?
Love Mel and Ronnie.