How body transformation leads to business success

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Would you like to undertake a body transformation but are worried that as a business owner, you just don’t have time?

Maybe you feel you need to work around the clock to keep your business afloat, and you can’t afford to have any other distractions.

Well, we’re here to let you in on a secret.

Committing to a body and lifestyle transformation program will not only improve your health, energy and body shape, but it will improve your business, help you be more financially successful, and will give you back valuable time in your week.

Interested to know how?

Unexpected benefits of a body transformation

Most people commit to a body transformation program because they want to change their body. They either want to lose weight, improve their health, or feel younger than they do.

However, what a lot of people notice, is that their new habits and lifestyle actually help them to be more successful in business as well.

Of course, gaining a new body is the main reason you might start a body transformation journey. But a new body isn’t all you’ll gain. A body and lifestyle transformation program will also improve your confidence, self-worth, energy and productivity, health and wealth.

Here’s how.

Improved confidence

When you don’t feel confident, you second-guess yourself, which doesn’t reassure your customers that you’re the right person to do business with. Second-guessing and overthinking also leads to a great deal of stress. However, when you feel confident, your interactions with other people, including your customers and clients, helps them feel more confident in you, which means they’re more likely to put their trust in you, and your products or services. Increased belief in yourself will mean you’ll no longer question yourself, which will reduce your stress. You’ll also be more willing to take risks to grow your business further and become more financially successful, instead of playing it safe in your comfort zone.

Increased self-belief

A body and lifestyle transformation program will also help you believe in yourself. Would it surprise you to learn that as many as 70% of people suffer from imposter syndrome — that feeling that you’re going to be exposed as a fraud at any minute. For business owners, this can be a recipe for disaster. Insecurities will keep you playing small and always taking the safe, easy path. It will erode your confidence and your productivity, and eventually will kill your business. However, the skills that you learn through a body transformation program, will increase your belief in yourself and your abilities, which will have a knock-on effect in your business. We have found that clients who once suffered from imposter syndrome, now very rarely question their ability to do something, or run their business successfully, and they are now earning more than they ever have.

Increased self-worth

When you don’t value yourself, you don’t value your abilities, or what you have to offer as a business. Lack of self-worth is why business owners underprice themselves, discount goods and services, or give away things for free. You can’t possibly be financially successful if you’re working for nothing or next to nothing. However, when you improve your self-worth, you begin to see that what you offer your customers is valuable. And when you recognise this value, you’ll charge what you’re worth. This means that you’ll be earning more money.

You’ll attract a higher-level customer

Have you ever heard the saying ‘like attracts like’? When you’re unsure of yourself, stressed and constantly discount your offerings, you’re only going to attract customers who are unsure of themselves, stressed, and looking for discounted services or freebies. However, when you begin to see your value, you’ll begin attracting the kind of clients who also see your value. When you’re calm and confident, you’ll only attract calm and confident people to your business. When you no longer have doubts about your pricing, you customers will no longer have doubts either, and you’ll be surprised at how many of them happily pay premium prices without negotiating. Get ready to say good-bye to time-wasters, and people who make your business-life difficult, and hello to those who are a pleasure to do business with.

You’ll develop better boundaries

People who lack confidence or constantly people-please, have trouble setting boundaries in all aspects of their lives, including business. They often operate out of fear, constantly worrying about their competition, and how they can stay ‘ahead of them’. This often translates into working after-hours because they’re afraid if they don’t, their customers will go elsewhere. They’re also afraid of putting up their prices in case they lose customers. However, increasing your confidence and letting go of the people-pleasing habit means you’ll have better boundaries. You’ll stick to your usual working hours, and reserve your evenings for your family, or doing things you love. You won’t put up with customers who ask for discounts, or continually push for more, and you won’t be afraid to charge what you’re worth, to reflect the value that you bring. This will make your business more successful.

You’ll market yourself better

Many business owners are afraid to market themselves either on social media or at networking events. This is usually because of a lack of confidence and a fear of being judged. However, undertaking a body and lifestyle transformation will help you grow in confidence and confront your fears. This means that when it comes to business, you won’t be afraid to show your face and promote yourself. And when you promote yourself and your business, success will follow.

You’ll bring your best to your clients

Losing weight and changing your body shape requires you to exercise, eat well, and get plenty of sleep. All of these things will also increase your energy levels, your focus, and your productivity. This means that your customers will be getting the very best of you, and will be more likely to keep using your services, pay what you’re worth, and refer other customers to you. You’ll also be more productive, and will get more done in your day. This may mean you can grow your business quicker, or you can take a little extra time off to spend with your kids.

You’ll be healthier

When you begin taking care of your body, it will begin taking care of you. You’ll find that you won’t get sick as often, you won’t need to take medications, and you’ll reduce your likelihood of suffering from chronic disease as you get older. This means you can continue to work without worrying about time off, paying for medications, expensive medical treatments, or early retirement due to ill-health. Either way, this will only lead to a bigger, better, more financially viable business.

You’ll have more time for yourself

A body and lifestyle transformation program will give you your time back. When you set your boundaries, you’ll no longer be working around the clock. You won’t feel pressure to keep working longer hours, because you’ll be charging more for your services, and making more money. You won’t be as stressed about your finances, or your customers (remember, you’ll attract a higher-level client), which means you won’t be trying to solve their problems after hours. When you harness the power of meal-prepping in advance, you’ll find you’ll be eating healthier lunches and dinners and ditching the takeaways, which will save you even more money. You also avoid spending your downtime in the kitchen every night, cooking the family meal. All of this means your time off will be more restful and enjoyable, and you’ll finally have time to do the things you haven’t been able to do up until now.

Compare the pair

To illustrate just how much a body transformation can impact your business, let’s take a look at two examples. The first shows Diana’s approach to business before she committed to transformation. The second is her approach after doing transformation for 12 months.

Before Transformation

Diana is a self-employed graphic designer with 3 teenage kids. As a single parent, Diana has to ensure that she earns enough money to support herself and her kids. She currently works from her home-based office, as she doesn’t have enough clients to support the overheads involved in renting out office space. Diana believes she’s okay at what she does, but compared to other graphic designers she’s nothing special. Her client list mainly consists of clients she’s had ever since she started out on her own. Unfortunately, the fees they pay are the same as what they were paying when she first started out. Diana has often thought about increasing her fees, but she doesn’t want the hassle of clients arguing about it, nor does she want to risk them finding someone else. So she continues to work at this old rate. Her clients are also quite demanding, requiring urgent work and changes all the time. It’s not uncommon for them to spring urgent work on Diana, who then spends most of her evenings trying to get it done.

Because Diana works from home, she’s able to be flexible with her work, so she often works until 7pm and then goes back to work after dinner. It’s also not unusual for her to spend some time working on the weekends. Most week nights, Diana doesn’t have time or energy to cook her kids a healthy meal, so she usually opts for takeaway or something from a box or packet that can be heated up. She also doesn’t spend as much time as she’d like with her kids due to her work, but she just can’t afford to say ‘no’ to her clients because she needs to make a living. Besides, she justifies her workload with the fact that her kids are often busy doing homework anyway. Diana usually finishes her day around 9.30pm each night, and then needs a couple of hours of time for herself. She usually gets to bed around midnight, and is up by 6am the next day, so she can get the kids organised for school. Diana feels constantly tired, burned out, and resentful of her situation. She’s also angry that she has no time for herself, but she doesn’t know how to change this.

After Transformation

Diana is a self-employed graphic designer with 3 teenage kids. As a single parent, Diana has to ensure that she earns enough money to support herself and her kids. Over the past year, Diana has been undertaking a Body & Lifestyle Transformation program. She has lost weight, increased her energy and productivity levels, and now feels more confident than ever. She now recognises just how good she is at what she does, and is making plans to continue to expand her business. When she realised how much time and energy her old clients were taking up (and how working with them prevented her from working with new ones) Diana advised them that her prices were going up to reflect her skills and experience. Most of these clients left and went elsewhere, which didn’t bother Diana, but a couple have stayed, because they value the work that she does. These clients have also referred her to other businesses.

Diana has also overcome her fear of being seen and every day, she posts on her social media channels. She has also made a couple of videos, targeted to her audience about how she can make a difference to their businesses, and has attended several networking events. As a result, Diana is now attracting the kind of clients she wants to work with, who happily pay her new rates. Diana has developed terms and conditions for her business which outline what is expected of both parties, including the need to charge extra for any urgent work. Her clients happily agreed to these terms. Diana has also stopped working past 5pm. If she receives a phone call or email after this time, she waits until the next day to attend to it. Diana spends the evenings cooking healthy meals for her kids, and spending time catching up with them about their day. She also gets to bed by 9.30pm so she can get to her training session at 5.30am. This means she’s home in time to get her kids off to school and start her work day by 9am.

Diana is now working less hours than she used to, yet making more money. This is because she is finally getting paid what she’s worth by the clients she has always wanted to work with. In fact, her business income has almost tripled, and she is now considering renting office space, and employing a couple of staff, so she can keep up with the constant stream of clients knocking on her door.

Diana now spends her weekends catching up with friends and prepping meals for the week ahead. This has decreased her stress levels considerably. She now wakes up each day feeling happy, energised and positive about her future.

You can triple (or more) your business income

At Imani Tribe, we help people just like ‘Diana’ lose weight permanently without dieting and exercise taking over their life, so they can live with health, vitality, confidence and freedom. As a result of the skills and habits they developed by doing our Body & Lifestyle Transformation Program, several of our members have experienced massive growth in their businesses and their incomes. They are now working with clients they’ve always wanted to, without working themselves into the ground. They work less hours and make more money. In addition, their stress levels are less, they spend more time with their families, and their businesses continue to boom.

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